India has One of the World’s Oldest Universities called Nalanda dating back 800 years.

Nalanda University is reborn Modern India

It Happens Only in India one of the world richest country robber and looted by Persian ,British and rest of the world.
Nalanda: Nalanda, located in present-day Bihar, India, was another ancient centre of learning that gained prominence around the 5th century CE. It was a Buddhist center of education and attracted students and scholars from various parts of the world.
While these centres of learning were crucial to the intellectual and cultural history of the region, none of them disappeared for 800 years. Nalanda faced periods of decline and eventually fell into ruins due to various factors, including invasions and the shift of political and cultural centres.
Nalanda University is an ancient center of learning that holds a significant place in the history of education and intellectual pursuits in India. It was located in the present-day Bihar state and was a major seat of Buddhist learning from the 5th century CE until its decline around the 12th century. Here are key aspects of Nalanda University:
Founding and Early Development:
Establishment: Nalanda University was founded during the Gupta dynasty, likely in the 5th century CE, and it reached its zenith during the reign of Emperor Harsha in the 7th century.
Buddhist Connection: Nalanda was a Buddhist institution, and it played a crucial role in the development and spread of Buddhist philosophy and teachings. It attracted students and scholars not only from India but also from Central Asia, China, Korea, and other parts of the world.
Academic Excellence:
Curriculum: Nalanda offered a comprehensive curriculum that included studies in various fields such as philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, logic, and the Vedas. The emphasis on a wide range of subjects contributed to its reputation as a multidisciplinary center of learning.
Libraries: The university boasted extensive libraries that were repositories of ancient knowledge. These libraries were said to house a vast collection of manuscripts and texts, making Nalanda a major intellectual hub.
Architecture and Infrastructure:
Campus Layout: Nalanda had an impressive and well-planned campus with numerous temples, meditation halls, classrooms, and living quarters for students and teachers. The campus covered a large area and was a testament to the architectural and planning skills of the time.
International Influence: The diverse student population and the presence of scholars from different regions made Nalanda an international center for education and cultural exchange.
Decline and Destruction:
Invasions: Nalanda faced a series of invasions, including those by Turkish Muslim invaders in the 12th century, which led to its decline. The university was sacked and destroyed during these invasions, marking the end of its glory days.
Rediscovery: Nalanda remained in ruins for many centuries. In the 19th century, British archaeologists rediscovered the site, leading to renewed interest in its historical significance.

Modern Revival:
Nalanda University Revival: In recent years, there has been an effort to revive Nalanda University. In 2010, the governments of India, China, Singapore, and other East Asian countries initiated the Nalanda University project to reestablish the university as an international center for learning and research.

Nalanda University stands as a testament to the rich educational heritage of ancient India and its role in fostering intellectual pursuits and cultural exchange across borders. The ongoing efforts to revive the university reflect its enduring significance in the contemporary world.